文章來源: 芝媽開花2016-05-19 12:27:01

數學競賽裏還有一種TEAM 的競賽,孩子們都非常喜歡,不僅有意思,更有挑戰。參加競賽即交到誌趣相投的朋友, 更培養了團隊合作精神。


  1. Waterloo 大學舉辦的Canadian Team Mathematics Contest               



  • team questions, where team members may collaborate (45 Min)
  • individual problems (45 min)
  • math relays — one student's answer to a question is needed by a teammate to solve the next question (45 min)



2.ARML: American Regions Mathematics League
ARML 是美國最大最有影響力的team 數學競賽, 2014年150 多個隊2000多名學生參加了這個比賽。每個隊由15個選手組成,要參與如下項目:

  • team round, where the entire team has 20 minutes to solve 10 problems.
  • power question, where the entire team has one hour to solve a multiple-part (usually ten) question requiring explanations and proofs.
  • An individual round, where each team member answers five groups of two questions each, with ten minutes per pair.
  • relay, where the team is broken into five groups of three. Within each group, the first team member solves a problem and passes the solution to the next team member, who plugs that answer into their question, and so on.

In recent years, there has been a super relay, where two groups of seven team members (fourteen in all) both work to give a correct answer to the fifteenth team member. That last team member substitutes two answers into his problem. For logistical reasons, the Super Relay has never counted towards the team score. It was instituted as a "filler" while scores are tabulated. Candies and other goodies are sometimes rewards for the super relay round.

Also in recent years, a song contest has become an informal event at ARML. Each school is allowed to have any number of their students perform a song related to mathematics, usually a parody of a popular song, with its lyrics replaced.

多倫多大學sponsor的Math Circle 每年都會組織多倫多地區的中學生數學愛好者參加這個競賽,詳情請參見:



  1. HMMT: Harvard-MIT Math Tournament


Individual Round

The Individual Round consists of three subject tests in Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics. Each subject test consists of 10 questions and is 50 minutes in length.

Team Round

In the Team Round, a team competes together on a 60 minute test. The problems are weighted according to difficulty, adding up together to 400 points. The round is targeted at teams comfortable writing rigorous proofs.

Guts Round

The Guts Round is an 80 minute team event with 36 short answer questions on an assortment of subjects, of varying difficulty and point values. Each team is seated in a predetermined spot, and the questions are divided into groups of four. At the starting signal, each team sends a runner to an assigned problem station to pick up copies of the first set of four problems for each team member. As soon as a team has answers for one problem set, the runner may bring the answers to the problem station and pick up the next set. It is not expected that students will finish all the problems. Grading is immediate and scores are posted in real time, resulting in an exciting atmosphere for the competitors. The Guts round is worth a total of approximately 400 points.




此外,Princeton,Stanford 等大學也有類似的大學生run 的team 競賽。


