活動:珍惜自己--Recover Yourself
文章來源: 40er2014-07-03 12:05:37
這是我的故事。我曾經以為自己生來就是瘦人,從來不用思考如何去減肥。以前在國內雖然經常長跑,但是來美國停止跑步以後,身材也沒有多大變化。這一切都隨著懷孕生子,生活壓力加大而變成了夢。在我懷孕的時候,不止一次被人指做大個女人。就連我自己有時候也害怕自己爆炸。哈哈。This is my story. When I was preganant with my baby, people were consitantly worried about mine being exploded. I was rather a big woman at that time.


我身材的困擾並沒有隨著孩子的成長而消失。眼看著以前的裙子被長久擱置,試衣間裏有太多放棄的衣服,我漸漸接受了自己不鍛煉瘦不下去的事實。雖然我對自己運動減肥有信心,但是一直沒有正式開始鍛煉。大家可能會有類似的感受,知道一件事是非常有益的,甚至是必須做的,但是卻一拖再拖,永遠不能開始去做。因為孩子,因為自己有更重要的事嗎?After the baby was born, I would like to get back to shape. But with breastfeeding, one cannot start excessive training right away. As time goes on, I realized that my body was not that young woman who can keep being thin without much effort. My body has gained the ability to keep the weight unless I start excecises.
But I cannot get myself back to excercise for a long time. I did not have the energy. I did not have the time. The kids were glued to me!!!! I cannot go out without them, due to the guilty feeling. Sign... Shall I wait until they all grow and move out to take care of myself?


我的轉機來於一次回國的經曆。我去北京比較熱鬧的衣服市場逛了一趟。那一次,我買了接近20件的裙裝,其中有幾件瘦的,我當時根本穿不上。回家以後,我試了這些衣服,我看到了青少年代的我。我太喜歡穿漂漂亮亮的衣服了!為了使自己更美麗,能有資本穿更漂亮的衣服,我要減肥,我要鍛煉!Then I went back to China for a visit. I went to the cloth-shopping district in Beijing. I brought ten-to-twenty pieces of dresses... At that night, I tried them on. I cannot stop trying on new clothes. My childhood, teanage years came back to me. I LOVE CLOTHS!!! I need to put the most extravaganza dress and show my woman's side! I need a nice body to put on the beautiful cloths!!!
說到鍛煉,堅持,最關鍵是自己知道如何鼓勵自己,為了達到目標,如何想辦法去達到。選擇自己最喜歡,最容易堅持的方式,去做。其他的都不需要詳細去說,單單說怎麽激勵自己。我的經驗是,想做的事,特別是鍛煉,隻要心裏想了,就去做。不管我的手裏有什麽事,騰出幾分鍾,做做伸展運動,做做squat, lunge,有半小時時間,就去跑步。去報名參加鍛煉的班,心疼錢就不會翹課。花玩錢,回家自己練,每練一次,想想自己為自己省了許多教練費啊。更不用說,每次穿衣服,發現體型好,穿衣服就顯得精神。胳膊上有線條,腿部肌肉結實,就露出來顯示!That is my turning-point. I need tight belly, strong legs and curvy back-side! I need nicely toned arms to show off my wide shoulders. I hung a large mirror so I can see my full self. I brought a treadmill and loaded up on excercise DVDs. I signed up for excercise classes, so I can force myself to go.
我欣然接受自己新的生活方式,為健康的體魄而生活。不管明天有任何變故,今天我為自己而鍛煉,為自己而活。年輕人不用鍛煉就可以有修長健美的體格,我中年人為自己的外貌而努力,為自己的身體負責,我為自己驕傲!Now, I have accepted that excercise is my way of living. I began to be proud of what I have done to myself and have more confidence about my futher fitness goal. Young girls can be thin effortless. I am a strong mid-age woman, who works hard and gains her look. I feel I am lucky that my genes do not mess up me too badly.


Meet my new best friend. I also kept a list of excercise photos (for belly, legs, arms, butt) on my phone. Whenever I am on a break at work, I will try some of the poses or routines. Little things add up, girl.


我行,你也行。我喜歡的格言:"She designed a life she loved." "Do not get upset by the result you did't get with the work you did't do." 和自己比,每天爭取做更好的自己!