雲中夢話14: 6.3 初選的最佳策略5, 和“鴛鴦奶茶“對話
文章來源: 一朵浪花2014-04-20 05:57:32



D28區夜不眠。看到有人把“鴛鴦奶茶“的文章 (見附件)貼出,有很多是我同意的,有些是我不同意的。特逐一討論如下:

1.“When we try to decide our votewe need to ask ourselves a question: what are the most critical factors to be considered? Is it the skin color of a candidate? Is it the race background? Is it the personal relationship? Is it the party? Or ultimately, is it the CORE VALUE?

估計作者的意思是CORE VALUE。隻是作者沒有給出定義,不知怎麽操作和衡量取舍。希望作者能夠展開討論。我要說,既是CORE VALUE  又有很重要的一條是為我們代言的人。

2.“I have seen a lot of arguments applying the skin color or the race background as the very SOUND REASON to decide one candidate over the other. Well, if these two things are that important, no wonder we have SCA5 on the table!

SCA5 是因為加州教育資源緊缺,沒有經費,人口增加,好學校的位置有限,因此Hernandez 開出了藥方,按人口比例考慮入學位置分配。完全不是因為選擇代言人的時候,有人考慮了“skin color”. 現實是,每個族裔都有或都希望有自己”skin color” 選擇的代言人。

3. “I got worried if we, Chinese American group, limit ourselves in the "Chinese Politics" type of thinking.” 鴛鴦奶茶“ 沒有給出“Chinese Politics”的定義。不好評論。但顯見作者在這裏是考慮“skin color” 的。

4.“In the past few months, the mainstream media has taken the freedom to "bad-mouth" us, as a small "selfish" group, who has been whining so loud to protect our own very "narrow-minded" interest.


5.“we have also seen how easy the Dem party can just shut their own senates' mouths up

這句話屬於假設性推論。確實六位拉丁裔議員撤出了給ted endorsement. 首先,做為拉丁裔議員他們根據自己的 skin color”決定不支持ted, 並不能夠使ted閉嘴。隻有當ted 失 去選民的支持時,他才無法繼續他作為議員的職責。其次,做為議員,投票時,必須要考慮選民立場的。所以,議案來了,需要每個議員的各體投票。而不是兩黨報 自己議員的人頭來決定。不和黨的立場一致的投票過去有,將來會繼續有。我們很多初次接觸政治的人,以前從來沒有投過票的人,對此有誤解。完全可以理解。我 要說的是,那些政治專家,故意用這樣的錯誤概念給我們洗腦。使我們做別人黨派政治的工具而不自知。

6.“SCA5 cannot be stopped by just us”完全同意。記得前不久,有一個堅定的戰友,寫了篇激情澎湃的雄文,說“我們隻有我們才是贏得SCA5的。。”(詳文一時記不清楚了)。記得阿丹公寫了篇文章其中第四點,意指, SCA5 的擱置有現任幾位華裔民主黨議員的功勞。大概我們這些堅定的戰友火力全開,逼退了阿丹公從此消失江湖。作者今天能夠有此認識,我還是很佩服的。

7.“SCA5 cannot be stopped unless we elect someone who has sufficient political wisdom to know how to get allies to make his/her belief fly high, .


“鴛鴦奶茶“ 的點睛之筆是:“sufficient political wisdom to know how to get allies to make his/her belief fly high”。這句話不錯,但是什麽是他的真實地“belief” 怎麽樣在資源緊缺的情況下,和誰結盟?怎麽保證一碗水端平?怎麽保證當選票重多的”allies”要犧牲我們利益時,他怎麽做?


我隻看到他上周開始公開的對反對SCA5 ”allies” barry 大肆攻擊。實在無法 聯想他會用“sufficient political wisdom”“ to get allies”來幫助我們。


我確實看到了他高超的手腕,把“鴛鴦奶茶“等化成了他的堅定先鋒戰士,為了他當選”fly high”. 但是難道這樣堅定徹底的打擊 barry 就是他的belief嗎?他今天能夠分化社團痛擊barry,明天就能夠保護我們的利益嗎?



這也就是為什麽,大家要選自己人做代言人的原因了。這也是為什麽,從統計學角度,每個人都希望養育自己的孩子原因。而不是用”skin color” 去預測別人的孩子好,幫助別人養。

8.“instead of fighting alone and lonely”。




”星期六, 04/19/2014 - 21:09 — 鴛鴦奶茶

What to Consider for Your Vote?

There have been a lot of discussions in many WeChat groups on whom to vote in D28. While I respect everyone's opinion and decision, I would like to share a bit of mine here.

When we try to decide our vote, we need to ask ourselves a question: what are the most critical factors to be considered? Is it the skin color of a candidate? Is it the race background? Is it the personal relationship? Is it the party? Or ultimately, is it the CORE VALUE?

I have seen a lot of arguments applying the skin color or the race background as the very SOUND REASON to decide one candidate over the other. Well, if these two things are that important, no wonder we have SCA5 on the table!

I got worried if we, Chinese American group, limit ourselves in the "Chinese Politics" type of thinking. In the past few months, the mainstream media has taken the freedom to "bad-mouth" us, as a small "selfish" group, who has been whining so loud to protect our own very "narrow-minded" interest. Moreover, we have also seen how easy the Dem party can just shut their own senates' mouths up.

SCA5 cannot be stopped by just us;

SCA5 cannot be stopped unless we get support from different racial groups who share the same CORE VALUE as us, the value that has inspired Americans for many many years: no discrimination to ANY, equal opportunity, fair competition, hard work reward, etc;

SCA5 cannot be stopped unless we elect someone who has sufficient political wisdom to know how to get allies to make his/her belief fly high, instead of fighting alone and lonely.

I cherish the opportunity to share my thoughts with all of you. “
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