文章來源: 黃玫瑰8882018-09-29 11:48:37

加州household income(這還是household income啊,就是夫妻兩人加一起得收入)比全美得數據高一萬多,但想想加州得房價可不止高多少倍。一般公司不同得分部,如果從別的州調入加州分公司,一般會給加薪15-20%,但很多人算算房價孩子教育等等就放棄了。這個我們知道得很清楚了。作為在矽穀住了很久得人,真是眼看著矽穀生活質量得下降。所以我說這個樣子是走不下去得。LD手下居然有印度裔得工程師選擇回印度分公司了,就是覺得買不起房子,租也貴的離譜。也有年輕工程師選擇去西雅圖放棄矽穀了。




California Household Income

According to the Census ACS 1-year survey, the median household income for California was $67,739 in 2016, the latest figures available. Compared to the median US household income, California median household income is $10,122 higher. 2017 Census ACS data (including 2017 California household income numbers) will be released in September of 2018. California median family income and per capita income for California are shown further down.

Show dollars as: Nominal Real

Real Median Household Income in California

  2016 1 Year Change 3 Year Change
US $57,617 +2.01% +7.02%
California $67,739 +3.71% +9.22%