公木砸壇:我愛聽的鄉村音樂(5)Whoever find this, I love you
文章來源: 龍虎老爸2016-05-19 20:14:47

       這首歌的原唱是美國的老牌鄉村歌手Mac Davis,他算是一位傳奇的歌手,從德克薩斯州Lubbock出發,早期作品包括給貓王Presley寫的 "Memories", "In the Ghetto", 和 "A Little Less Conversation"。 20世紀70年代,跨界到流行樂壇,以一首”Baby, Don't Get Hooked on Me"(“寶貝,不要迷戀上我”)而再次成名,同時他還有自己的綜藝節目,並出現在百老匯音樂劇,以及各種電影和電視節目上,算是跨界成名的典範之一(另一個幾乎同期的Kenny Rogers,更是一代跨界高手,以後單獨介紹)。







       《Whoever Finds This , I Love You》詞曲 : Mac Davis

On the quiet street in the city

A little old man walked alone

Shuffling through the autumn afternoon

And the autumn leaves reminded him

Another summer's come and gone

He had a long long midnight ahead waiting for June

The among the leaves near an orphan's home

A piece of paper caught his eyes

And he stood to pick it up with trembling hands

And as he read the childish writing

The old man began to cry

Cause the words burned inside him like a brand

Whoever finds this , I love you

Whoever finds this , I need you

I even got no one to talk to

So , whoever finds this , I love you

Well , the old man's eyes searched the orphan's home

And came to rest upon a child

With her nose pressed up against the window pane

And the old man knew he'd found a friend at last

So he waved at her and smiled

And they both knew they'd spend the winter

Laughing at the rain

And they did spend the winter laughing at the rain ,

Talking through the fence ,

Exchanging little gifts they've made for each other.

The old man wold carve toys,

And the little girl would draw pictures fo beautiful ladies

And they laughed a lot.

But then one day, on the first of June,

The lttle girl ran to the fence the old man wasn't there.

And , somehow she knew he was never coming beck.

So she went back to her lttle room ,took a crayon   

And wrote :

Whoever finds this , I love you

Whoever finds this , I need you

I even got no one to talk to

So , whoever finds this , I love you


介紹這首歌的時候想起兩個人,一個是和歌有關的,就是齊豫翻唱的版本,和Mac Davis的版本風格迥異, 一個淒涼高亢,一個苦澀絕美,建議兩個都聽一聽。一個是和人有關的,就是幾年前的一個電視劇“溫州一家人”中的女主角,一個孤身到意大利打拚的中國小女孩,遇到一個孤獨的意大利老人,渡過一段短暫的歡樂時光,如果用這首歌做背景,堪稱絕配。