暑期電影(1)The Imitation Game(模仿遊戲)
文章來源: 龍虎老爸2015-07-25 12:20:06
       這是一部講述“電腦之父” 阿蘭圖靈(Allen Turing)故事的電影,它集中描述了圖靈在二戰中,通過創造性的發明電腦的原型而破解了納粹德國的恩尼格密電碼,從而大大的提高了戰爭中的指揮效率和大幅減少人員損耗。可是,因為是同性戀的身份,他被強迫進行治療,而且在五十年後才得到政府的表彰。

     圖靈除了是「電腦科學之父」,他也在發明電腦的同時,提出電腦是否具有心智的議題。在他1950年的一篇論文《電腦與智能》(Computing Machinery and Intelligence),開篇就問及:「機器能否思考?」,在該論文中,圖靈認為此問題之所以難解,乃是因為我們對於「機器」與「思考」沒有一個明確定義。他認為應該要打破許多常規對此二者的定義。於是他開始反駁在當時的常規與常識裡,一般人會從神學、情緒、數學、主體、能力、神經……超能力等九種出發立場,加以否定機器能思考的態度。
     該電影的編劇Graham 在奧斯卡領獎時的發言也頗值得一讀。 
      Here's Imitation Game writer Graham Moore's Oscars acceptance speech. Full text below.

      Alan Turing never got to stand on a stage like this and look out on all these disconcertingly attractive faces. And I do. And that's the most unfair thing I think I've ever heard. And so in this brief time here what I want to use it to do is say this. When I was 16 years old I tried to kill myself, because I felt weird, and I felt different, and I felt like I did not belong. And now I'm standing here. And so I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she's weird or she's different or she doesn't fit in anywhere: Yes you do. I promise you do. Stay weird, and then when it's your turn, and you are the one standing on this stage, please pass this message one.

       很多亞裔的孩子因為學業突出,愛好科學,在學校裏被邊緣化,孩子們感覺很沮喪,我們應該鼓勵他們,“stay wired,stay different”,you don't have to convince other kids, be the best version of yourself.
