文章來源: Gizmos2014-04-10 16:01:19
前言:來自美國舊金山的作家Beau Coffron為女兒製作的創意便廣受追捧,他因而被網友稱為“午餐爸爸”(Lunchbox Dad)。從《冰雪奇緣》到小黃人,他的創意便當豐富多彩又美味營養,這爸比的娃娃可真幸福啊!
Lunchbox Dad
Lunchbox Dad                 1. Lunchbox Dad

 A father-of-three has put all other parents to shame with his artistic and mouth-watering lunchbox masterpieces.


Beau Coffron, a San Francisco-based writer who goes by Lunchbox Dad on his website, creates edible art each day for his first-grade daughter Abigail to bring to school.

來自美國舊金山的作家博爾,在網上被稱作“午餐爸爸”。他每天都會為女兒阿比蓋爾親自動手製作精美的便當,讓她帶著這些“可以吃的藝術” 到學校去享用。

While most of his meal masterpieces are for Abigail, his son also occasionally helps make them. One of the lunches he's prepared was inspired by the hit animation film Frozen.
It includes a sandwich in the shape of Snow Queen Elsa, with tiny pieces of yellow fruit used as her blonde hair. In keeping with the theme, a side dish for this meal was made to look like Olaf the snowman, whose nose, of course, is made from a carrot.
這份便當中有一個Elsa女王形狀的三明治,埃爾莎的金發是用小塊黃色水果拚成的。為了保持主題風格,便當中還放了一份雪人Olaf 形狀的配菜,Olaf 的鼻子是用胡蘿卜製成的。 
Despicable Me 2Despicable Me 2


                       3Despicable Me 2
Another one of Mr Coffron's movie-themed creations takes its inspiration from Despicable Me 2.

 Two banana halves are used to represent yellow minions from the movie, and their goggles and outfits are drawn onto the banana skin with black marker.

Special Holiday LunchboxSpecial Holiday Lunchbox


                          4Special Holiday Lunchbox

'I just wanted to do something to help my daughter feel connected with me and have something fun for her to do at school but also be healthy at the same time,' he said.

 Not only does he look to children's movies to find ideas for his lunchboxes, but he also creates special ones on holidays.



For Halloween, for instance, his edible creation consisted of an ear of corn made to look like a vampire, and with sharp fangs shaped out of dried seaweed.
Valentine's DayValentine's Day

 6Valentine's Day


 On Valentine's Day, Abigail was sent to school with a lunchbox filled with heart-shaped strawberries, a hot dog with heart-shaped cheese slices and a clementine with a heart cut out of the peel.
