文章來源: 且行且珍重2013-12-05 10:08:23

寶寶開始能夠理解語言了. Dec 4, 就是昨天,晚上回到家,照例爸爸做飯,媽媽帶著樂樂玩. 媽媽看著寶寶,對他說,"樂樂,把球拿來, 媽媽和樂樂玩球." He looked at me for a while. Mom repeated: "qiu, ball". He understood and crawled to the ball and pushed it to me. What amazing! I didn't realize he started his languange learning now.

Dec 5, I dropped him at CCDC and teacher told me that lele is starting to speak to teachers. He picked up a toy and handed it Miss Nancy and said" here it is". And he repeated several times. I can not image that! It is really sad we missed his talking.

I can not wait to see more surprise from him. Looking forward.