你就是愛 對我而言 You Are What Love Means To Me( “溫柔憐憫”電影插曲)
文章來源: zhazhaba2013-12-24 10:15:22

你就是愛 對我而言 You Are What Love Means To Me
“溫柔憐憫”電影插曲 >From The Soundtrack Tender Mercies

用溫柔的手 你收拾起我生命的碎片 With tender hands you gathered up the pieces of my life
依偎在你愛的臂彎 感覺非同一般 Lying in your loving arms never felt so right
我今後的道路幸運又艱難 The hard luck road behind me
從你眼睛倒影中我已瞥見 Is reflected in your eyes
無論光線再怎麽耀眼 And the glory of the bright lights
也比不過感受到你的笑顏  Can't compare to this feeling when you smile

你就是那些美德 我曾經一一丟幹 You're the good things I threw away
如今又陸續回返 在每一天 Coming back to me every day
你是至善 所能成全You're the best it could ever be
你就是愛 對我而言 You are what love means to me

我曾今到處折騰個底朝天 I've been around and seen it all from the bottom to the top
親愛的 恕我坦言 我感恩我所遇見 And honey I can tell you now, I'm thankful for what I've got
藩籬獄牆我心設建 These prison walls inside me
使卑微靈魂不得平安 Never set this poor soul free
直到你真愛的魔力出現 Till the power of your true love
及時拆除它們救我脫險。Broke them down just in time to rescue me

你是好歌我永遠不會編 You're the song I could never write
你是魔術今晚在我心裏變 You're the magic in my heart tonight
當晨曦透過窗簾 When the morning sun comes shining through
我依然擁你胸前 I'll still be holding you
你就是那些美德 我曾經一一丟幹如今又陸續尋找回來 在每一天 You're the good things I threw away
如今又陸續尋找回來 在每一天 Coming back to me every day
你是至善 所能成全 You're the best it could ever be
你就是愛 對我而言 You are what love means to me

你是至善 所能成全 You're the best it could ever be
你就是愛 對我而言 You are what love means to me
