文章來源: 許你一世歡顏2022-01-05 16:41:28

給學生們布置小組online project,每次都有人來抱怨說他們組有的人什麽也不做,所以,我提前聲明, 如果有人什麽也不做,把他們的名字delete,然後每組選一個人提交project。

有一個組,3 個人,誰也沒有提交。於是都得0分。其中一個給我email;“That's not fair. I didn‘t submit my work because the other two did nothing. "

我:“ I haven't received your work either."

學生:”I don't want they took my benifit, and that's why I didn't submit my work, and you gave me a 0, that's not fair."

這tm什麽邏輯?你不想讓鄰居看見你花園的花,就連根拔了,然後到政府門口跳著腳罵 NOT FAIR? 

我:“ Don't worry, nobody took your benifit since you got a 0."

學生:" But that's not fair, because they did nothing..."

你這是想畫個圈, 然後繞暈我啊。。。
