文章來源: 不愛熱鬧2016-07-22 11:48:13

現在不說是老二的公司,因為兩個兒子都是股東,就叫兒子們的公司。原來叫招生英雄(admissions hero),從本月25日起叫CollegeVine. 前麵公司的名字是我翻譯的,盡管有人說叫錄取英雄,我嫌錄取是撅嘴發音,就決定叫招生英雄。我就被朋友稱為“英雄媽媽”。

這CollegeVine,我找不到一個合適的中文名字。這個Vine(藤)可不是我們說的IVY(常春藤),而是那種纏纏繞繞的藤曼。他們的本意是把自己原來最初的升學指導業務拓展到高中生升入大學的橋梁業務。如果叫“橋”可能更符合中國人的習慣。可是人家是美國公司,當然得符合美國人的習慣。他們的業務不僅局限於指導升學,而且還有高中生導師項目以及高中課業輔導。他們公司的使命是first and foremost a mentorship company that happens to have great college admissions as the outcome. 他們希望通過顧問和導師的幫助以及榜樣的力量,高中生真正能夠改變自己的生活軌跡!




First off, if you’ve stumbled upon this page by accident but don’t already know who we are, take a second to learn who we are and why we’re here. Don’t worry, we’ll wait until you’re done.

As the company has expanded in both reach and mission, we have outgrown the name Admissions Hero. Although it’s true that we do guide students through the college admissions process, we are ultimately more than just college counselors, admissions advisors, and tutors -- we are mentors and role models whose mission is to fundamentally change students' life trajectories for the better. In other words, we don’t see ourselves as an admissions company; instead, we are first and foremost a mentorship company that happens to have great college admissions as the outcome.

Indeed, while Admissions Hero will always hold a special place in our hearts, CollegeVine ultimately is broader, more approachable, and overall a more accurate representation of our company today and our brand tomorrow.

Starting July 25th, if you try to visit www.admissionshero.com

you’ll automatically be routed to our new home at www.collegevine.com. Other than that, there’s really no change to your experience!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Kind regards, 
The CollegeVine Team