胃酸不能吃什麽,摘自書“Why stomach acid is good for you"
文章來源: Manymore2015-01-01 17:52:37
下食管括約肌(LES)非吃飯時間鬆弛(TLESR) 是造成胃酸反流的主要原因。吃飯時LES鬆弛,所以飯能送下去,但這時一般不會有胃酸反流。不吃飯的時候還老鬆弛,就容易造成胃酸反流,不管胃酸分泌是多還是少。


。 這些食物會使LES功能減弱:fats, chololate, mints(especially peppermint and spearmin), sugar, onions and some alcoholic beverages.
。有的研究表明牛奶使嬰孩食物反湧(gastroesophagel reflux),許多成人不吃過敏食品,包括牛奶製品後,胃酸反流消失了
。吃撐著會增加TLESRs, 並且會增加胃內的壓力,促使胃裏的亂七八糟從LES裏翻牆上湧
。有些藥物也會減弱LES, 包括: bron-chodilators used to treat asthma, such as theophylline, albuterol, ephedrine. 別的藥物如:NSAIDs,certain types of blood-pressure-lowering drugs (e.g., calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers), the antianxiety drug Valium, the narcotic analgesic Demorol, and nitroglycerine (and related drugs) used to treat coronary artery disease(angina). 這些藥物一般會使肌肉鬆弛,從而減弱LES
。有些藥物直接刺激消化管道,造成heartburn, esophageal and peptic ulcers and leaky gut. These drugs include aspirin, NSAIDS (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen and many others), the antibiotic tetracycline, the cardiac antiarrhythmic drug quinidine, potassium chloride tablets, and iron salts.

