PK就PK, 咱胖子還怕瘦子不成?
文章來源: CatinGrey2013-05-31 19:08:34

小一陣沒上來,一考小古,就發現有人提到俺灰胖的名,說要PK。PK 就PK,誰怕誰呀?


B*tch, 去你的,本灰爺就這樣,肥就肥。I am fat, but I don't care, I love it!!!


I got this feeling on a summer day

When you were gone

I crashed my car into the bridge

I watched I let it burn

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs

I don’t care, I love it!

You’re on a different road

I ’m in the milky way

You want medown on earth

But I am up in Space

You’re so damn hard to please

We gotta kill this swith

you’re from the 70s but

I’m a 90s bitch!....
