文章來源: 鼓樓2019-10-07 08:51:22

這是兒子寫的父子倆夏末去海邊釣魚時在岸邊看星星的一幕。 梵高有幅畫, 也叫"星夜", 畫中場景, 和兒子寫的有點兒不謀而和。 我試著把兒子的文章翻成中文。 有些我覺得能寫得更好的地方也不修改增減了, 要忠實"原著"十歲孩子寫的東西, 畫麵感挺強, 而且是真情實感。 因為那個晚上, 我也和兒子一樣, 為那"星夜"而感動過。




A Starry Night

There was a giant piece of darkness surrounding us under the starry night sky. Down below, it was dark. To the left, right, front, and forward it was also dark. Only above us, millions of stars twinkled in the night sky. It looked like it was raining stars, or stars were coming down from a waterfall. I could hear the slight wind rustling around me. I could hear the soft lapping of the gentle, small waves against the old dock. It was a little bit cold as I hugged my dad in the darkness. It was only now that I understood what stars twinkling meant. The stars seemed to shine, one and another down at me. Staring far out into the darkness, I could only imagine what is laying in front of me. Looking back, I could see a little glow from the house. Looking down, I imagined how many sea creatures would be beneath my feet. My dad’s sweater felt warm, like a furnace.


The salty sea air stung my eyes. The smell of the sea filled my nostrils. The breeze was right around my fingers, slowly blowing them. Looking above us, I thought that the stars would all fall on top of my head. I felt so calm, cleansed, happy, and grateful. I wondered what my mom was doing. She would have wanted to be here with us. With my stomach full with some of the freshest and most delicious food I had ever had, I did not think that it could get any better than this. My entire mind was focused on the starry night above me. That starry night looked just like my blanket, with hundreds of stars woven in. I almost wanted to sleep on that hard, wooden, moldy, and old dock. It was the best night I had ever had. It seemed supernatural, almost.



星夜下廣漠的黑暗環繞著我們。 往下, 往左, 往右, 往前, 一切都是黑色的, 隻有往上, 百萬顆星星在閃爍生輝, 如同星星組成的雨幕或瀑布, 傾瀉而下。 我能聽到微風在身邊盤旋低鳴; 我能聽到細小柔和的水波激打著舊碼頭。 有點冷, 黑暗中我抱緊了爸爸。 現在我終於知道什麽是"閃爍的星星"了。 星星們似乎一個接一個地對我眨眼, 此起彼伏。 我看著黑暗中的遠處, 隻能想象那裏有著什麽。 房子裏的燈光從身後傳來。 往下看, 那裏有多少海裏的生物正在我腳下的水中呢? 爸爸的毛衣像火爐般很溫暖。


海邊鹹鹹的空氣浸潤著我的眼睛, 大海的氣息充滿我的鼻翼。 微風從我的指尖盤旋吹過。 我感覺漫天的星星像是要從天降落。 我的思緒裏充滿了安靜, 潔淨, 愉悅和感激。 媽媽這時候在幹什麽呢? 她應該也和我們在一起。 我剛剛享受了一頓美餐, 在如此星空下, 一切似乎都好得不能再好。 我的思緒, 都在此時頭頂的星空。蒼穹如毯, 那些星星就像被織在其中, 覆蓋著我, 我幾乎要在這個堅硬長滿青苔的碼頭上睡著了。這無疑是我經曆的最好的一刻---這如同夢幻的一刻。