文章來源: 雅美之途2024-04-30 09:20:00

美國綠黨總統候選人Jill Stein和她的幾個幕僚在聖路易斯華大被捕,他們在華大參加了至今可能是華大最大的反以色列的校園示威,今天華大校園有超過100位示威的人士被捕。

Jill Stein本人就是芝加哥的猶太人,哈佛本科和醫學院畢業,當了幾十年的內科醫生,但是她對政治感興趣,經常活躍在諸如競選州長和美國總統等公職的綠黨事務中。


我的華大家長朋友直接說:“你們就是個猶太學校”,這個也不對,我們隻是猶太學生比較多而己。華大是英裔清教徒創辦的,創始者曾經是基督教人士,原名是Eliot Seminary, 但是後來董事會將她定義為非宗教的大學。









現在回答網友讀我前文的評論,關於英國著名科學家Rosalind Franklin:

文學城網友數字旋律: “Eagle’s Bar裏的倆精英,克裏克和沃森,嚴格來說亦是倆反麵人物,類似魯迅筆下的孔乙己竊書,竊取了女科學家的內部數據不說,還搶先公布了基於數據的DNA模型:)”


沒有偷之說,完全是誤傳,需要多看史料。Rosalind Franklin 自己在公開的學術報告中公布過她的data, James Watson 當時就是聽眾,他沒注意聽講而己,後來又去King’s College在Rosalind度假時經Wilkins看到那個著名的51號X光照片。

Watson和Crick發表論文時知會了Rosalind,帶著她參觀模型,並且她為他們高興。Rosalind 與Francis Crick的太太還是長時間的好朋友,Nature文章的DNA雙螺旋就是Crick太太繪製的。

另外,在1953年的同期Natute發表了三篇論文,其中有篇就是Rosalind 的。Rosalind當然有她的貢獻,但是女性運動以及Watson 對女性的不友好態度使人們誇大了Rosalind 的貢獻。

真正的事實是,Rosalind擁有data但是她不知道如何解釋這些data, 更談不到做出模型。這裏必須將功勞歸功於Watson和Crick, 尤其是James Watson提出的堿基配對。

可以看我帶學生讀英國衛報文章的問題與答案:Sexism in science: did Watson and Crick really steal Rosalind Franklin’s data? Matthew Cobb; Tuesday 23 June 2015; The Guardian.


Question: Which two hypotheses did the author deny at the beginning?

1。答案:1。Watson和Crick偷了Rosalind Franklin的研究資料;2。前二位沒有給Rosalind足夠的功勞。
1. Answer: 1. Watson and Crick stole the research materials of Rosalind Franklin; The first two did not give Rosalind enough credit.

2。Franklin 的性格如何?

Question: What is the personality of Franklin?

2. Answer: It was quite sensitive, liked to argue, and was not forgiving.

3。我們通過什麽人可以看出 Franklin 和 Wilkins 的關係?

Question: From which individual we can understand the relationship between Franklin and Wilkins?

3。答案:研究生Raymond Gosling,他以前是Wilkins的學生,後來沒通知Wilkins就去Franklin處工作了,並且拍攝到了那個關鍵照片。
3. Answer: Graduate student Raymond Gosling, who used to be a Wilkins student, didn't inform Wilkins that he was to join Franklin's group. And Gosling took the key photo.

4。雖然 Franklin 的實驗證據非常關鍵,但是即使擁有它也不可能解決雙螺旋的哪些問題?

Question: Although Franklin's experimental evidence is critical, it is impossible to solve which problem of the double helix even if she had it?

4. Answer: how many strands of DNA molecule have, as well as the fine chemical composition of the molecule.

5。作者認為 Franklin 沒有遭遇性別歧視的句子怎麽說的?

5. How did the author say in a sentence that Franklin did not face the sexist discrimination?

5。答案:“Their behaviour was cavalier, to say the least, but there is no evidence that it was driven by sexist disdain: Perutz, Bragg, Watson and Crick would have undoubtedly behaved the same way had the data been produced by Maurice Wilkins.”
6。通過什麽途徑 Watson 和 Crick 得到了 Franklin 關於 X 射線的關鍵數據?

6. In which way that Watson and Crick got Franklin's key data on x-rays?

6。答案:Franklin將一個報告不經意地給了Max Perutz, Perutz給了Bragg,然後Bragg給了Watson和Crick。這裏Bragg為結構生物學的鼻祖,Perutz率先以做血紅蛋白結構聞名,他們兩人均為諾貝爾獎得主。
6. Answer: Franklin gave a report to Max Perutz inadvertently, Perutz gave Bragg, and Bragg gave Watson and Crick. Here Bragg is the founding father of structural biology. Perutz is the first to be known as the hemoglobin structure. Both of them are Nobel Prize winners.

7。為什麽說 Watson 和 Crick 並不是不誠實地獲得了 Franklin 的資料?

7. Why Watson and Crick did not dishonestly obtain information from Franklin?

7. Answer: Because Franklin's report is public information.
8。為什麽即使沒有那些傳遞的數據 Watson 也應該從公共渠道知道那些關鍵信息?

8. Why can we say that Watson knows those key information from public sources even he did not get the data from someone?

8. Answer: Because Franklin had an academic report at King's College with the same research materials 18 months ago, Watson was one of the audience.

10。作者認為 Watson 和 Crick 超過 Franklin 的地方在哪裏?

10. Which area did the author think that Watson and Crick were better than Franklin?

10. Answer: To describe DNA in a model of the excellent mathematical and chemical expression.

11。Watson 和 Crick 在做模型過程中和完成模型後,對國王學院的科學家的態度有什麽不同?

11. How did Watson and Crick act differently than King's College scientists during the period of their modeling and after their completion of the model?

11. Answer: In the process of modeling, the people of King’s College were kept secret. After they were done, Wilkins and Franklin were invited to visit.

12。模型做成後,Watson 和 Crick 邀請 Franklin 和 Wilkins 去參觀模型,他們一起商量決定做什麽?

12. After the model completion, Watson and Crick invited Franklin and Wilkins to see the model. What did they discuss and decide to do together?

12. Answer: Watson and Crick will write the model paper, Franklin and Wilkins will write another paper with supporting materials. And then they send the papers to Nature for publications.