2024年3月23日 Paracas, 秘魯
文章來源: 戊己庚辛2024-05-06 20:07:45

Paracas, 秘魯



碼頭小, 是半島。

檸檬酒, 最澆愁。

荒沙漠, 無綠洲。

城裏來, 為酒菜。

街兩旁, 多結商。

著名島, 遊人忙。




Note: Paracas is a small port town in the Pisco province of Peru, south of Lima. The town is an ideal departure point for the Ballestas Islands and the enormous Paracas National Reserve. The must see is the mysterious Paracas Candelabra. This massive geoglyph, which faces out to the Paracas Bay from the coast, was made in the same style as the famous Nazca lines and depicts what appears to be a type of candelabra or chandelier.