再給火上澆一勺油。世界上最大的芝加哥商品交易所(CME Group)決定周五閉市後關閉其交易場所
文章來源: 錦衣衛2020-03-11 16:29:19

CME是第一家關閉交易場所的,剩下的要看紐約交易中心怎麽辦了。如果紐約市長宣布Lock down,NTSE也會關閉他家的Trading floor。所有交易都改成幕後電子交易。 這對股市又是個很大的打擊。



CME Group announced Wednesday night it will close its Chicago trading floor in a precautionary move due to the coronavirus outbreak. 

The closing will take effect Friday “at the close of business,” CME said in a statement, noting that no coronavirus cases have been reported at the Chicago Board of Trade trading floor. 


This would make CME the first major U.S. exchange to close a trading floor due to concerns over the coronavirus. The New York Stock Exchange is taking precautionary measures as well, working to separate traders and other employees, according to a Reuters report citing an internal memo.