3/24 星期六
文章來源: jgey2007-03-24 04:55:29


3/19,被人事找去談話,關於我的出勤問題,他們已經和我的leader談過,那個王八蛋狠狠的在背後捅了我一刀。形勢對我極端不利,與其等他們找個借口把我開了,不如我主動出擊,於是,我說,“老娘不幹了!” 我已經幻想這一天無數次,終於成為現實,隻是比我計劃的提前了一些。最後,我和人事談妥的條件是,既然已經撕破臉皮,繼續這個月也沒什麽意義,我今天就辭,他們給我3個月的薪水做補償。 

回到辦公室收拾東西,我一直想把顯示器砸到Leader的頭上,但最終忍住沒有做。第一個電話是打給david的,因為答應他下班後一起喝咖啡,現在我有很多時間了,他聽到我的消息,先是一愣,然後說,“great! I got new jobs for you”。第二個電話打給軼,她的反應也差不多,先是吃驚,然後連聲恭喜,看來大家都知道我極度討厭這份工作。我的情緒從最初的憤怒,徹底轉變為解脫後的輕鬆,甚至有些開心。我現在有錢又有時間,這不是我一直夢寐以求的生活嗎?一定要好好享受一下。

和david一起喝咖啡,然後又去酒吧喝酒,他讓我把resume給他,his friends have a few offers, I appreciated that.

3/20,睡到中午起來,真是舒服。下午收拾了一下房間,看了個下載的電影,然後開始梳妝打扮,晚上有一個party,arranged by David's friend, and he asked me to go with him. 穿著新買的dress,我神采飛揚的出門。

Party在六本木一家lounge, David的朋友Carlo主辦的,Carlo很健談,聽David說,Carlo是地產商,最近在賣南太平洋的小島上的地,開發成度假區什麽的。其他大部分客人都是recruiters,而且都是外國人,東京是個很大的城市,但是對於外國人來講,特別是不能講日語的外國人,the community is not that big. And according to their jobs, they belong to the certain community, like in Heartland, most guys are bankers, and here in this party, most are recruiters, everybody knows everybody somehow, its very interesting. My new dress is quite much expensive, and looks fabulous on me, so I got a lot attention, and happened to know a few people, thats what the party for, right? 偶然認識一個日本女生,竟然和我出身同一所大學,而且是同年級,她是歸國子女,在美國長大,和日本人相處得不融洽,我們倒是一見如故,約好日後一起出去。By the way, her name is Rina, and she said that David and I made a cute couple, I was laughing when I heard that, and David just smiled.

Well, David has been very nice to me, but we are not couple, its just not the right timing for both. We both in deep troubles somehow now, I wanna be able to take care of myself before I start a relationship and share my life with somebody else, now I have something more important to handle, can hardly focus on a relationship. 我們的關係更像是難兄難弟,可以無所不談的朋友,這樣很好,不需要任何變動。



3/22,23,在家寫resume,真是好像便秘一樣,要多難寫有多難寫。我硬是把1頁的內容給擴充成3頁,英文的還好,用一些比較長比較拽的詞就可以,日文的真是傷透腦筋。終於在周五傍晚寫完了,給各個recruiting company都發了一份,也給了David一份,他說看起來不錯,不過他不是做IT recruiting的,且不懂日文,他的不錯隻能說明我的英文resume裏沒有拚錯的單詞。下周開始繼續見recuiters,然後讓他們安排麵試,大概就是這樣。

這樣每天悠閑的生活實在是太美了,如果不用擔心錢,我真的想這麽一直閑下去。這是我有史以來第一次徹底的閑下來,不用上學,不用上班。從小到大都是被推著走,at the certain age, I supposed to do the certain thing, after high school, I supposed to go to univ, so I did, then after school, its time to get a job, I did that too, now I am taking a break, let all those supposed-to-do shit stop, how awesome! I am still trying to figure out what I really wanna do, you know, the kinda direction of life, and George told me to get married with a rich guy, then I can keep this kinda lifestyle for the rest of my life. I was thinking abt that for a while, but honestly, its much tougher to find a husband than a job, well, if you dont like a job, you can always quit, and find another one, its not that cool to keep changing husbands, I suppose.

And I am seriously thinking to cut Mario off, I mean this few days, I havent thought abt him for a moment, not even tried to contact him. See, when something big happened in my life, he is not the first one that crosses my mind to tell or share things, he just not the right one. Well, in one week, I got totally relieved mentally and emotionally, WOW!

Anyway, lets see what happen next, this journey is getting more and more fun, LOL.