7/13 星期四
文章來源: jgey2006-07-13 02:51:43
昨天在家休了一天,混混噩噩,沒幹什麽.看了幾集[SEX AND THE CITY],笑得花枝亂顫,單身有單身的好處,隨心所欲,想出去就出去,想守在家裏就守在家裏,沒有所謂的義務.我是那種為了不盡義務,而寧可放棄權利的人,一個字,--懶.最怕有人對我說,我為你做了什麽什麽,所以你也要為我做什麽什麽...life is unfair,付出的時候就應該有那種可能得不到回報的覺悟,如果覺得自己很虧,不如不付出.

德現在和我處在一種不遠不近的曖昧關係裏,他來東京找我,和我一起出去,但是我不想和他再有什麽太親密的,容易引起誤會的行為.我們不是一種類型的人,在一起讓彼此都累.他是絕對的"WE" TYPE,無論做什麽都是WE, WE, WE, we go shopping, we have hair cut, we go to eat...But I am an "I" person, I do things on my own, I go shopping by myself, and hair salon too. Well, sometimes WE might be a very sweet status to stay in, but it doesnt mean I could sacrifice my own space, I need time to be alone, occasionally. Yi is a WE person too, so somehow I was thinking to hook up them together, MingYi said it might be a good idea. They both dependent, so let them depend on each other, sounds good huh?
