文章來源: TJKCB2019-09-04 12:43:54

人即船, 每天海量讀原著,思考善於學習變通如漲水把船托上高山, 登高望遠: 人+山=仙。不讀不思, 如落潮至穀底: 人+穀=俗。萬物芸芸,各歸其根,本性即根,根深為靜,靜曰複命。擇獨而讀,擇靜而思,擇簡而為,擇空而寫。師法自然, 道本性, 悟道而行,擇善固執。All things belong to their roots, the nature is the root, the roots are deep, quiet and resurrected. Choose to study alone, choose to think quietly, choose simplicity and puritan, write upon inspiration. The teacher's law is natural, enlightenment, and choice is good and stubborn.