belgian town of Brugge?
文章來源: TJKCB2018-09-04 19:30:00
surprised to read this: Belgian town of Brugge?

Many Western history with names of city as their last name: Krakow, Brugge,

I am belgian and the movie mixes up scenes from Oostende with the town of Brugge

Code Name: Red Ass. Which is all you'll get sitting through this spaghetti western set during WW2. It begins with a pathetic bridge model being 'blown-up'. Followed with the obligatory bimbo (likely the Producers girlfriend) who is so pale she makes Casper the ghost look tan and the gallon of Mascara is all that is visible. If this turkey has any redeeming value it would be as a torture device for radical Feminists. Make them sit through the first few minutes where the aforementioned Bimbo 'reminds' the American officer that Women don't like to think...Heads Will explode.?