I Can Make You Love Me aka Stalking Laura (1993)
文章來源: TJKCB2016-11-04 21:39:28

I Can Make You Love Me aka Stalking Laura (1993) Brooke Shields, Richard Thomas

Fuzzy Bunny Slippers

I'm sorry but if I were Laura I would have gone at him with that aluminum bat he hated so much. Mayb not killed him but made him know my screws can be just as loose as his wth. He's entirely the guilty party but do more than just stand there shocked he has no weapon and he's on your property. And at least get the restraining order the day he left the company.?
My mum use to get harassed at work by a guy, not in the same sense but the guy kept annoying her... One day he slapped her hard with one of those folder holders... My mum saw red, literally had him off the floor by his neck his feet were literally off the ground... My mum is only about 5'3, and even though the guy was probably only about 154 pounds... thus to say he never bothered my mum after that... As for the case of Richard Thomas character, my mum would have killed him long before he got to do what he did at the end of the film.?
D Clark
Stalking is NOT COOL at all. It makes a person look extremely desperate. SHE DOES NOT WANT HIM! Did he really think that shooting her and murdering a lot of people would make her change her mind?! Damn psychopath.