$7 million conclusion?
文章來源: TJKCB2016-06-28 09:12:42

$7 million conclusion? 2-year intensive study!

800+ pages report - "American public should print it out and take it home to study to draw your own conclusion!" The leading Republican congressman said when asked specifically:

"What's your conclusion out of this report? Does Hillary Clinton bear the responsibility?" MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow asked.

"I don't offer my personal opinion, but American public should print 800+ pages report out and take it home to study to draw your own conclusion!" That Republican congressman said again and again and again.

Can you believe he dodged the question like that?

Why did either side like JFK admitted "I messed up. Next question?"


What BxxxSxxx politicians! I can't print out that 800+ pages report out and take it home to study to draw my own conclusion! I paid the tax to hire you to do that job.

Damn you politicians! Can't trust either one.

All the politicians the same - Is Chinese Admin crawling into the US?

- "為官不為”“少數政府機關工作人員亂作為,一些腐敗問題觸目驚心,有的為官不為,在其位不謀其政,該辦的事不辦”;“對為官不為、懶政怠政的,要公開曝光、堅決追究責任”。


All sloganeering! - I thought such action on "對官員體係的監察和巡查" leading postive check. Those politicians, however, are much smarter than the public.

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