day 5
文章來源: sampex2011-12-07 12:15:45
Today is 5th day since I started.  Last night, the guy who got me into this did some training on their ma (now our) business model.  In previous note, i talked about how the top node helping the lower level node.  that information might not be true. I need double check it. 

I started to use ma product. opc3 and calcium+.  I don't believe the effectiveness of those multivitamins in general.  I think they all are the same.  I tried those multivitamins from costco. I stopped quickly because those pills are huge. it's very hard to swallow.  So on this aspect, the ma product is better, both opc3 and calcium+ are powder. and add some water and drink.  it's easy and comfortable.  How effective are these? I don't know.  I will be that small white mouse to test it :)

I've been talking to several friends.  Most of them are really defensive and does not want  to listen to it.  So I think i am not going to talk this to my friends until i success.

I tried to sell these nutrition products to a business man who owns a store.  The 1st response i get from him is that the MA products are too expensive to sell in his store.  He told me he might get something to sell at his store if the profit margin is 100%-200%. wow!
Who are MA customers?  I can think about 3 groups of people.
  • people can afford and want to give it a try.  price is not the concern and they are open to try new products.
  • believers, they believe ma's products can really help their health and want them.
  • people in the ma network.  some of them are really believer. But there are some people in this network who is low paid and  mostly shopping at walmart have to use MA's high price product because they cannot sell it out and hope they can get rich by staying in the network. I don't know the percentage of these low paid people, but i think the number is not low.

Where am i at? i can afford it and willing to give it a try :)

Here i want put up my rules.  I will not sell product to my friends unless they ask for it. 

Wish me good luck!