Merry Christmas!聖誕節最大的禮物是耶穌,耶穌的降臨是上帝給世間的禮物。
文章來源: freemanli012023-12-25 07:05:49





Merry Christmas!  ---The greatest gift of Christmas is Jesus; His coming is the gift from God to the world. 

Christmas is a transcendent process that begins with the news from the angel to the Virgin Mary.

The birth of Jesus is a greater miracle than Santa Claus delivering gifts; it is a crucial aspect of the Christian faith. 

As to Santa Claus, It's not just a matter of whether children believe it or not; it's a question of whether adults can understand and accept miracles. And the even greater miracle is the Creation, where God created the heavens and the earth.

Christmas is not just a worldly affair. I think that's probably the meaning.

Later on, it was dramatically transformed into Santa Claus, allowing children to receive the idea and as well reminding people that the world is not just a collection of atomic molecules; there are also miracles and the Almighty.

Angel Gabriel's Annunciation to Mary, by Murillo, c. 1660

Nativity of Jesus, by Botticelli, c. 1473–1475

• Merry Christmas!聖誕節最大的禮物是耶穌,耶穌的降臨是上帝給世間的禮物。 freemanli01 - ♂ 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (2331 bytes) (362 reads) 12/25/2023  08:04:28 (4)

• Merry Christmas 木有文化 - ♂ 給 木有文化 發送悄悄話 木有文化 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/25/2023  08:25:45 (1)

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