lesson 18 - comments
文章來源: 同學小薇2011-08-21 13:38:29


Lesson 18: Having a Picnic

Basic patterns 濁化

256. Did you pack enough sandwiches for the picnic? the可再讀弱一點
257. Let’s find a spot away from the ants.
258. It’s great weather for a picnic.
259. Let’s sit at that bench over there. 連讀時,t in at 雖然可hold,但應有時間停留
260. This spot isn't too crowded to eat at.
261. Let’s go eat out by the lake.
262. A picnic can be a romantic date.
263. I have fond memories of picnics with my parents.
264. Make sure you pick up all your trash when you’re finished eating.
265. Is there any beer left in the cooler?
266. We won’t know how much food to buy until we decide how many people are coming.
267. We should get paper plates and plastic utensils, so we won’t have to do any dishes.
268. It’s such a lovely day for a picnic.
269. I really like it when it’s homemade, not the fast food kind.
270. The day’s really nice and we should walk off some of this food. 可連讀,即使off重讀,但中間不要有停頓




264句,when you’re finished eating是一個意群。在原讀裏,明顯eating占了最長的時間,接近一半,而另外四個詞僅占了一半多一點點的時間。明白我說什麽了嗎?如果你平等地分配時間給每個詞,你說英文就會很choppy。



265句,left in the cooler,最後一個詞占了一半時間

270句,some of this food,最後一個詞food,占的時間比前三個加在一起還要長。



