文章來源: $檸檬樹$2011-08-17 11:04:23
 幼兒發育遲緩和早期幹預是一個沉重的話題, 但又不可回避. 身為父母,都不願意自己珍愛的小寶貝有什麽不好的事情, 也不願意相信自己的孩子在某些方麵比其他孩子差. 有的父母就是因為這樣的心理原因, 即使覺得自己的小寶貝有些不對的地方, 也不願意尋求幫助和谘詢, 而耽誤了最佳的早期幹預機會, 影響孩子終身的生活和幸福. 

在我們中國的文化範圍內, 因為麵子因素或者其他一些原因, 人們不願意客觀正麵地談論孩子發育遲緩的問題. 有的時候周圍的人為了避免人際關係產生影響, 即使發現誰家的孩子有發育遲緩的問題, 也會安慰父母說, 大一點就好了. 甚至舉XX人的例子來說明, 有的父母聽了這樣的安慰, 也就回避給孩子直接的診斷和評估, 而決定"等等看".  美國兒醫協會提醒父母們, 在麵對孩子發育遲緩的問題上, "等等看"是最糟糕的做法.

加州政府支持的"earlystart"計劃告訴父母們, 孩子最初的五年非常重要, 這個時候孩子的大腦還很"plasticity", 可塑性很大, 早期的幹預和幫助可以讓很多孩子的發育重回正常軌道, 保證他們的將來可以容入學校和社會生活. 但是五歲以後, 這樣的幫助和幹預可能收效甚微.  統計表明, 即使對於已經確定為自閉症的孩子, 如果能在三歲以前開始幹預, 有50%的孩子將來可以獨立正常地生活和學習.

根據醫療研究成果, 從1990年開始,美國聯邦政府建立了"early childhood intervention program" 來幫助一到三歲的孩子, 不管他們是有殘障或者是某方麵的發育遲緩, 父母都可以尋求幫助. 該機構甚至告訴父母, 不必要等到孩子被確診以後才開始早期幹預. 當發覺孩子比同齡孩子在某些方麵發育遲緩的時候, 或者孩子沒有達到某些發育裏程碑(milestones)的時候, 父母就是在和時間賽跑, 即使你不想孩子被立即診斷, 也可以盡早開始尋求早期幹預.


At age one month most children can...

  • Raise their heads slightly when lying on their stomachs
  • Briefly watch objects
  • Pull away from a blanket on their face

sit up when prompted At age three months most children can:

  • Lift their heads and chest while lying on their stomachs
  • Make cooing sounds
  • Follow a moving person with their eyes
  • Smile back at someone

At age six months most children can:

  • Sit with minimal support
  • Roll from their back to their stomach
  • Respond to their name by looking

At age 12 months most children can:

  • Pull themselves up to stand and take steps with hands held
  • Follow with their eyes in the direction that you are pointing
  • Start a game of peek-a-boo, imitate clapping hands, point to show you something
  • Say two or three words on a regular basis

At age 18 months most children can:

  • Walk backwards
  • Walk down stairs holding an adult's hand
  • Use words and gestures (like taking you by the hand) to get needs met
  • Perform simple pretend play like talking on the phone, feeding a stuffed animal

At age 24 months most children can:

  • Kick a large ball
  • Describe an injury or illness to an adult (bumped my head)
  • Show interest in other children by offering them a toy or taking their hand

At age 32 months most children can:

  • Pretend to be an animal or favorite character
  • Talk about the past/future
  • Answer "what", "where", and "who" questions easily
  • Imitate drawing a horizontal line after being shown
  • Hold a crayon with 3 fingers
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LemonTree Family Child Care and Preschool
Santa Clara/Sunnyvale