文章來源: Dreamkylin2016-02-07 10:10:07

10 quotes from Xi Jinping on new model of China-US relationship
中國日報網 2015-09-16 16:03


1. 太平洋兩岸有足夠空間

The vast Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the United States. We welcome a constructive role by the United States in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the region. We also hope that the United States will fully respect and accommodate the major interests and legitimate concerns of Asia-Pacific countries.


2. 合則兩利,鬥則俱傷

As two major countries in the world, China and the United States have important interwoven interests. History shows that when we properly handle each other's core and major interests, China-US relations will grow smoothly. Otherwise, they will be in trouble.

China and the US should have confidence in each other and stick to cooperation on mutual interests. The two sides should work together on a new way of harmonious coexistence, healthy competition and cooperative win-win, without being disturbed by disputes or differences.


3. 夢想相通

By the Chinese dream, we seek to have economic prosperity, national renewal and people's well-beings. The Chinese dream is about peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, and it is connected to the American dream and beautiful dreams of people in other countries.



4. 壓艙石、助推器

麵對經濟全球化迅速發展和各國同舟共濟的客觀需求,中美應該也可以走出一條不同於曆史上大國衝突對抗的新路。雙方同意,共同努力構建新型大國關係, 相互尊重,合作共贏,造福兩國人民和世界人民。國際社會也期待中美關係能夠不斷改善和發展。中美兩國合作好了,就可以做世界穩定的壓艙石、世界和平的助推 器。
As the economic globalization develops rapidly and all countries need to sail in the same boat when faced with difficulties, China and the United States should find a new type of relationship between major countries that is different from the past one featuring inevitable confrontation and conflicts. Both sides agreed to work together to construct a new pattern of relationship between great powers on the basis of mutual respect, cooperation and win-win results for the benefit of the people of the two countries as well as the world. The international community also expects the continuous improvement and development of China-US relations. When the US and China work together, we can be an anchor of world stability and a propeller of world peace.



5. 多栽花、少栽刺

中方一貫從戰略高度和長遠角度看待和處理中美關係,不因一時一事而改變。兩國的共同利益和相互聯係遠大於差異和分歧。發展中美關係,雙方要按照我同 奧巴馬總統就構建中美新型大國關係達成的重要共識,始終堅持增進和積累互信,擴大利益契合點,加強合作,多栽花、少栽刺,排除幹擾,避免猜忌和對抗。
China always views and handles the relationship with the United States from a strategic and longstanding point of view, which will not change for a short period or over a single incident. The two countries share more common interests and links than differences and disputes. We should develop China-US relations in light of the important consensus on building a new model of major country relationship between the US and China reached by President Barack Obama and me. The two sides should enhance mutual trust, expand common interests, deepen cooperation, plant more flowers, not thorns, clear the interference and avoid suspicion and confrontation.



6. 不能被問題牽著鼻子走

The building of a new model of major country relationship between China and the United States is an unprecedented and innovative endeavor. There is no ready experience or model to follow and it is natural that some difficulties and even setbacks may occur. When faced with problems, what is crucial is that we work together to resolve them instead of simply finding the problem fearsome or letting it take over.

As long as we uphold mutual respect, seek common ground while resolving differences, be firm in our determination, and remain unperturbed by individual incidents or particular comments, we will be able to keep the overall China-US relations on a firm footing despite the ups and downs that may come our way.



7. 注入正能量

Both sides should seek common ground while reserving or resolving differences. Anything conducive to injecting positive energy into the bilateral relations should be done by "plus"; otherwise, by "minus".



8. 夯實戰略互信基礎

Building a new model of major power relationship between China and US is like constructing a high-rise mansion, the first step is to boost the strategic mutual trust.

Building a new model of major power relationship between China and US needs contributions from both sides. China and the United States share broad common interests and important common responsibilities in global and regional peace, stability and prosperity. There are many areas where the two countries should and can cooperate.



9. 不能停留在概念上

中美建交35年來的曆史充分證明,一個良好的中美關係符合兩國人民根本利益,也有利於亞太和世界。這是中美兩國領導人共同堅持的戰略共識。現在中美 新型大國關係的戰略目標是清楚的,我們不能讓它停留在概念上,也不能滿足於早期收獲,還要繼續向前走。我們要堅持從戰略高度和長遠角度出發,以積水成淵、 積土成山的精神,不斷推進中美新型大國關係建設。
The 35 years since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between the US and China have showed that a good China-US relationship is in the interests of both countries and conducive to the Asia-Pacific and the world. Leaders of both countries share this strategic understanding. Now the strategic target of the new model of major power relationship between China and US is clear, we should not let the new model stay as a concept or stop at its early harvest. We should push it forward. From a strategic and long-term perspective, China and the US should build their relations step by step.



10. 避免大方向受到幹擾

In the new situation, China and the United States should expand practical cooperation to make their new type of relationship more fruitful. Meanwhile, the two sides should manage, control and handle disputes in an appropriate way so that the general direction of the bilateral relationship will not be affected.
