文章來源: 非否2019-10-04 10:00:06





食品40%,其它商品(Walmart,dollar stores等)24%,水電費等11%,汽車維修和油費9%,剩餘用於醫療、保險、自我護理和娛樂、交通、教育、捐助等。

這一實驗的研究主管之一,U Penn的科學家Amy Castro-Baker指出,“參加者用這筆錢給自己和孩子尊嚴”,比如花錢送孩子參加畢業舞會,潔牙矯齒,買生日蛋糕等。



Of the participants, 43% are working full or part time while 2% are unemployed and not looking for work. Another 8% are retired, while 20% are disabled and 10% stay home to care for children or an aging parent.

Since February, when the program began, people receiving the money have on average spent nearly 40% of it on food. About 24% went to sales and merchandise, which include places like Walmart and discount dollar stores that also sell groceries. Just over 11% went to utility bills, while more than 9% went to auto repairs and fuel.

The rest of the money went to services, medical expenses, insurance, self-care and recreation, transportation, education and donations.

“People are using the money in ways that give them dignity or that gives their kids dignity," Castro-Baker said, noting participants have reported spending the money to send their children to prom, pay for dental work and buy birthday cakes.
