文章來源: 紫屋2011-06-22 19:21:39


14。Zeus強奸了Maia,生下了信使Hermes, 也就是羅馬神話裏的Mercury。

Hermes Fastening his Sandal, early Imperial Roman marble copy of a Lysippan bronze (Louvre Museum)

Archaic Greek herm, presumably of Hermes, unusual in that the penis has survived. 如果你從這裏看出古希臘人的幽默和無拘無束,你就會理解為什麽是他們創始哲學、科學和許多精深的文明品牌了。

Giambologna的Mercury標準雕像。對於Giambologna,大家已經早已熟悉了。記得前麵提到的那尊Rape of Sarbine Woman嗎?

15. Zeus和Dione生下了Aphrodite

Hestia, Dione and Aphrodite, from Parthenon east pediment, ca. 447–433 BC.,W. 1.3 m,British Museum. Ye, ye, ye, I know. 前麵說過Aphrodite從海裏蹦出來的。這隻能怪古希臘那些編神話的人沒有統一思想。


Birth of Apollo and Diana, , Marcantonio Franceschini 1648-1729,Liechtenstein Palace Vienna



The Return of Persephone by Frederic Leighton, (1891) 。。。。。。Demeter苦苦哀求Zeus,終於讓Zeus答應Persephone半年在地下陪冥王,半年上來見親娘。