Anna's imaginary kids
文章來源: 寒枝2006-05-22 20:15:46

Anna started having imaginary kids about one and a half years ago.  She was only three then and her first kid was called Jack-jack. He is supposed to be a baby and some how every time Daddy asked where her son Jack-jack was, she would always give this kind of answer with a mischievous smile:

"Jack-jack is very busy.  He is in a meeting right now.  He is not coming out until really late!"

Andrew and Anna would play house and pretend they are Jack-jack's parents.  Once in a while, I would see the two of them rushing from one room to another: Andrew holding a sword with karate moves and brave words flowing out of his mouth, Anna holding the baby doll and a diaper bag trying her best to soothe the baby. 

Their imaginary family gets bigger and bigger with time.  Now Anna has two sons:  Jack-jack the baby, and Jake the sixteen-year-old. (Don't ask me how come her son is 12 years older than her.).  She also has three daughters: Hallelujah, Victoria, and Aashna.  Every time I get confused with their names or ages, she or Andrew would seriously correct me.

However sometimes, when I ask her some tough questions like how come your first son Jack-jack is only a baby and your second son is already 16 years old? She would give me this how come you are so dumb look and say:" Mooooommy~, they are not real, they are fake!"