文章來源: huntridge2020-07-10 14:23:11


Written by LawForKids
Did you know it is illegal to call people names? That is right it is illegal to insult someone. In the law, insulting someone is called slander if it was said and libel if it was done in writing. If you say or write something that is false and it ruins a persons reputation you could find yourself in a legal battle. Many celebrities have found themselves in court because of libel and slander. For example Keira Knightley and Kate Hudson both sued tabloids for implying they had eating disorders. Katie Holmes sued for being called a drug addict and Sharon Stone sued over claims of plastic surgery. Of course you don't need to be a celebrity to sue but you do have to show that the name calling hurt your reputation and caused you an actual harm. If you would like to avoid going to court in the future remember some wise words from a wise rabbit; "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"