黃金:為何麻熱筏舸------ 今日燥音一撇。
文章來源: Laoxisi2014-08-18 10:39:32



那個E文寫手惺然喃昵:GLD 在7月份有$485.4的新錢inflows,經濟的改善在推動包括黃金在內的commodities價格上揚;

老中盡管有“金價長期上漲的邏輯並不成立 難言見底”的說法,但放置首位的是“得益於避險需求,金價本周有望結束三周連跌走勢”


這兩天金價lingerie而無突破can be attributed to the strength in the US Dollar (+2% from July lows), 而且不僅中印兩國黃金需求陽痿, Turkey also reported weak import figures yesterday: in July, gold imports declined to just 1.5 tons, putting them at their lowest level since February. Compare this to the month before, when 24.3 tons of gold were imported.

但是注意了,百論並不否認這樣一個事實:從7月12日到10月9日是黃金的季節性擴張期, Gold bullion has gained an average of 3.63 per cent during the past 29 periods。嘔,麻熱筏舸,若此,真生活啊!