文章來源: jennylin2016-06-13 00:20:19

今天在target買孩子end of semester party的東東,順便換兩周前買的衣服,要找同樣的衣服,大一號的。先辦退/換的事,手裏就不用拿著很多東西了。

在女裝部,找不到同樣的衣服的大號,就又找了兩件相似的,為了避免由於號的不合適,再來換一次,就去fitting room 試一下。Everything as normal, I went into an empty fitting room, 因為還要給娃買東東,要盡快回家做飯啥的。 我動作很快,兩件都試了,第二件在身上時,聽見隔壁的fitting room 有人敲門,問有沒有一個purse, the anwer was "no", she seemed to ask again to want to go into the room to check.  The answer seemed to be "no" again.  很快, 就來敲我的門了, 問有沒有一個purse,我這才四處打量, 看掛這一個包,看起來扁扁的 (慚愧一個,我的媽媽包裏總很多東西,又鼓又重,還外掛一串車鑰匙, 很好認)新新的,我就說“ yes, there is a purse, but...", 我還沒說外,她就要進來,說她剛才在用這個fitting room.  我有時也丟三落四的,同情小姑娘,穿著店裏的衣服,就開了門,說她可以取走她的包。 這時她竟然要求我走!說她就離開了一小會,還沒用完fitting room, 那個她要找的包就是”證據“, 我覺得很突然,明明是空的fitting room, everyone can use... 不過我真是要走了,沒必要跟她囉嗦計較。就說我得換下店裏的衣服,換上我自己的好去check out.  She said "well, it's fine as well" very impatiently with some body lanugage.   在我離開,她要進去時,我已離她3 feet遠,在走廊上,背對著她向外走,她的聲音追著我 ”Just want to make one comment that when you see an empty fitting room with a purpose, you should assume it belongs to someone!" What!!! 我轉身對她說 “when I came into this empty fitting room, I assume everything left there belongs to the store!!  I have never had any interest or intention to check things, including purse there to judge if they belong to store or belong to any person.  I have no interest to touch anything that does not belong to me and that I was what I did while I was there!!!".  

更有意思的事居然還有!我就拿著我要換和買的衣服到客服部,everything went through as normal. 我在最後刷卡時,自己的包,拿出的錢包,都擺在台子上,忽然一個生音在耳邊響起 ”excuse me, did you see my wallet in my purse??"  我扭頭看和理解這冷不丁的聲音, 哇, 是那個小姑娘!她不是在跟著我吧?? 我愣了愣,壓了壓怒氣, "no, I did not.  I have told you that I did not touch anything left there. ", 她要看我的包!! I said "I m very insultated, you'd better call security".  Because it was at the customer service, security came in almost immediately, she just said I used the fitting room that she used prior to me.  我冷靜的等她說完,我說 “I have something supplementary to what she just described".  就·把那時的情況和對話都說了。 Security refused her request!!  "this is a civil..." (我沒太聽清,”dispute"? "discrimination"? 她是個小白,比我女兒大些)。 她口氣軟了很多,說明白是個 “miscommunication" (瞎扯!誰和你miscummunicate了, 你的那”one more comment" 跟本就是耍脾氣!), 但還是想檢查我的包,security 還是說不。 我看她就是個20出頭的小姑娘,同情她,就跟security 講 “I understand her feelings.  I hereby give you the permission to check my purse, just to make her feel better".  我·是穿的整齊的,很fit的衣服,又瘦, 身上真是沒有任何地方”可懷疑“, 東西有都在台麵上, 我說 "these are all things that you can check".  Security 還是大致的輕輕的看 (幾乎沒翻)了幾眼,我壓根就沒第二個錢包,更不用說她的什麽”彩色錢包“了。 她就走了,我很生氣。 Security 安慰了我幾句。

大致就是覺得,冷靜,叫security/police, 該陳述,就講清楚。security/police 都·不會亂來的。另外不要像小姑娘,把話說絕, 什麽 ”one more comment"! ??? 扯!說了那·話,就別想來碰我的包!再求也沒用!