文章來源: zhuanZheDian2010-09-04 09:24:27
after about month of hard work, google rejected me. whatever I have thought before about good thing of joining google burst:( Still I should go back to beijing and live, but what I should do.

The most important thing for one person still is what is the meaning for life, why you want to live on the earth, if people tell you that there is another world and if you die, you can leave the earth and start a totally new one, will you do it? If you don't believe that the life is good, then why live? Maybe that's the reason why you always hear about those evil religion and there are people who follow it.

I think those people are weak in their wills and they want to put their life into someone else's hand and then don't need to worry about it anymore. Maybe that's the part that christian is not that good, because it said you have to believe, not like buddism talking about kama and self hard work.

Anyway, for me, I think going back is a good choice which means that I have to take much difficult life style and may lose everything, but the gain is parent and the life experience which maybe is the most valuable thing.