文章來源: OnStrike2013-11-28 08:20:30


Foot Prints in the Sand
Two foot prints side by side in the sand
Of a father and son on the shore
Two foot prints there for the world to see
But soon to be there nevermore.
For the moon shines and the tide comes in
And washes away proof we were here
But is it the same that all that I am 
Will too vanish one day is not clear
But of course I hope I’m eternal
And there’s a reason for why I exist
And I hope there’s a heaven that waits for my soul
And on earth by some I’ll be missed
But the reality may be like my foot print
And I’m no more than a few grains of sand
And one day I will simply cease to be and exist
And there’s no heavenly reason, or plan.
In my life I’ve been a fool and a wise man
And there were times that I did do some good
But in the end does it really much matter
If  I’ll just be sand in a box made of wood.  
So no matter what’s true and what’s not true
For what I believe then becomes true for me
And no need then to worry about life after death
For what is will continue to be.
So it doesn’t matter if my flame is extinguished
Or whether I’m an evolving soul
For my purpose is not to increase my own worth
But to advance others I choose as my goal.
My foot print in the sand has now vanished
Swallowed up by the tide and the sea
And while I may be faced with oblivion
I believe that it’s eternity that’s waiting for me.
T. M. Thompson