文章來源: 祖傳中醫6882012-01-17 21:02:19

一般來說,如果不是不知世事的愣頭青或對你懷有敵意或對你居高臨下,老美不會直接扔出“為什麽中國要占領西藏(或入侵西藏)?”這種充滿敵意的傻問題。稍微有點兒深度或對你比較在意的老美會隱蔽的介入西藏話題(如果他實在撐得慌想跟一個老中探討這種敏感話題)。通常,他會先跟你提起最近在電視上或街上看到藏人遊行,然後比較謙虛地跟你“打聽”西藏的曆史,最後拐彎抹角地試探你的態度。平時接觸的老美大都屬於這種溫和有禮型,所以對他們關於西藏問題的"好奇"我的反應也是比較客氣的。通常的套路是從人性入手, 一般會說:I am not a historian but I do know Tibet has been part of China for many many years. Almost as many Han Chinese people as Tibetans live in Tibet right now. Most of them, including a few friends of mine, are second- or even third-generation Han immigrants. Tibet is their home too. Just like today's US is the home shared by native Americans, “European settlers” and all other immigrants. It is reality and simply too late to dial the clock back. It might be in the best interest of everybody to respect the reality...

一般來說,發問的"European settler"會馬上浮想聯翩地記起自己老祖宗和印第安老先民之間的那些破事兒,很快就會把話題從西藏給岔開... :D