Poems in English
文章來源: 浮生歡娛2010-01-19 16:37:23

A Whisper to Moon

Untouchable is your white skin,
Touchable is the thoughts akin;
Every night I gaze at your face,
I wish you synchronize my pace;
Distance is the string to connect both,
Heaven and earth meet at eternal youth.

So transparent is your innocence,
Naughty ever as the radiant fluorescence;
So profound is your mystic world,
Inspiring daring ones to fetch gold;
But how many can truly grasp your heart,
Beneath the fancy surface all want.

Without a life long contract though,
We can’t escape from each other’s soul;
Everyone else watches you in a macroscopic jungle,
Only I examine you in a microscopic angle;
If you hang there ever, I feel blessed,
But should you descend one day, what a bliss!

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In the field of grassland running hopelessly
Stood a lonely hut which felt suffocated
Hanging above were the clouds wandering aimlessly
Trapped inside was a spirit aspiring for being escaped

The silhouette of the house casts a shadow of despair
The lifeless trees gave out the odor of loneliness
The withered grass leaned like your messy hair
Behind the door flew out the uncertainty of darkness

Befalling your roof was the vexation filled within the sky
Floating above was a transcendental soul yearning for peace
Indelible was the trauma left in the agonizing scar
Unsurpassed was your courage craving for eternal breeze

In the field of dreamland stretching boundlessly
Stood a besieged hut which refused to be desolated
The still at dusk couldn't smother your breathing fearlessly
The break at dawn bestowed you the hope which won't be

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Reflection from a funeral(葬禮隨感)

Joyful, joyful, we adore you,
Powerful, powerful, we worship you;
Say farewell to a body full of grace,
Sing hymn to a soul in a sacred place.
His smile is goin' back to high sea,
Where gull's soarin' he loved to see;
Chrished forever should be his dignity,
Which will keep shinin' in starry nights;
Returnin' to you is a heart we have affinity,
Which is takin' an eternal flight.

Joyful, joyful, we adore you,
Powerful, powerful, we worship you;
The whisper of death sneaks from the coffin,
So surprisin' is her sound like sweet muffin;
Follow me, folks, who dare to hit darkness!
Where pious spirits will find brightness.
The image of you then decends from summer sky,
And shows us with serenity like an angel's face.
Oh, yeah, the respectful one is read to fly,
Fly into your embrace with his energetic pace.


Participated in a funeral this morning, to pay homage to a colleague, a distinguished scientist, doctor and educator in the field. Although I'm an atheist, but somehow felt the existence of a soul during the ceremony, which brought out the perpetually mystic question once again: Is there so-called eternal life? And where will we go with the end of this life? Perhaps what I'm trying to see in eternity has been already reflected in my baby's fresh smile?

The memorial service started with the beautifully sung hymn of "Joyful, jouful, we adore you", with music of Beethovon's No. 9.

So wrote the following poem for the inspiration I got from the funeral


Goodbye, all blue mood,
Goodbye, all junk food;
Tonight, let's drink to high,
And you dun need to ask why.

Goodbye, 2003's erroneous living,
Goodbye, 2003's generous giving;
Tonight, let's dance up all night,
And forget all meaningless fights.

Ahead is the new year's vague face,
With whispering in the colorful vase:
Buddies, draw a novel picture of your life,
As soft as water, as sharp as a knife.

Moon on cruise

Cruising is my wandering heart,
Gliding under this azure sky.
Floating is that luxury fart,
Could you slow your steps to fly?

Who said moon only shines in darkness?
Her leggy sensuality even shadows sunlight.
Who said ocean's blue only in brightness?
Her romantic streak radiates with starlight.

Never falling is my youthful fantasy,
Even gorgeous sunset can't make her sentimental;
Ever unforgettable is this year-end's being crazy,
Even though it's not lifelong monumental.

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P SThis is a poem dedicated to a friend’s picture taken on a cruise boat. Her nickname is Moon (月兒)。---Some thoughts and explanations about certain lines”…… The line “Floating is that luxury fart” implied Moon's enjoyment of the luxury seafood on board in a teasing way.

As we all know, being creative and using novel imagery in poems is a key in conceiving any fresh & soul-lifting poem. Thereafter, I try to avoid using sentences or phrases which have already been used in other poems (either by others or by myself). Sometimes, being extremely "creative" might result in ambiguity in the meaning or analogy in verses, so causing confusion in readers' minds.

The following two sentences from this poem amuse myself quite much:

Her leggy sensuality even shadows sunlight.

(Her: Moon, i.e., the girl leaning on the rail of the ship. The sensual beauty arising from her slender legs sparks so much that it shadows the brightness of sunlight. Which also echoes the line" who said Moon only shines in darkness." :) )

Her romantic streak radiates with starlight.

(The blue color of sea implied the romantic quality of nature/human beings. The evening ocean may look dark and boring but it's charm and passion could be even more exhilarating, just like the radiant stars.)


We were young years ago,
Everything then just glowed,
Hearts were fragile but recovered soon,
Minds were creamy, like the moon.

We were young years ago,
Love never felt a lethal blow,
Frustration made one move faster,
Hopelessness was never a monster,

Are we still young today,
When skin shines less every day?
Perhaps when hearts gallop like a colt,
We know we could still feel youth like bolt?

An impression on Wuyuan scenery (婺源印象)

They said you'r the last sanctuary for me to have fun,
Fighting with human beings' greed, alas! we never won;
They said my siblings are constantly butchered on highway,
Thanks to civilization expanded from mountains to the bay;
For centuries, I have indulged in gazing at azure sky,
Where birds can take a fresh breathing and love to fly;
For generations, I have been accompanied by this peace,
Which watches over golden rice and the change of color of wind;
Gosh, isn't this the last moment I can play and sing at ease?
Tonight, how could I feel the worming steps of remote weeds?

Ode to A Brussels Table Lamp

Turn on,

What a spicy feeling of a tongue!

Turn off

What a silence of a gratified wolf!

The glittering sunshine

Radiates as delicious wine.

The on-and-off mechanism of life

Is like an emotional swing of a wife.

The heroic flood

Kept flowing of a city’s blood.

The Brussels-boy blessed light

May foil frustrations from any fight.




Crush me, the fleeting mountain,

Before I stop gushing the youthful fountain.

The blood vessels beneath scar tissues still

Deliver the passion tearing down my will.

Ah, just grab this familiar pie falling from sky,

I once devour it and then had a thrilling fly.

Yeah, having a second bite wouldn’t hurt,

Even if it’s not that yummy as the first flirt.

Reflections (感事)

So many flowers you can savor,
But have you ever got a waver?
So many dreams can still fly,
But leave the solid earth for sky?
Who said passion won't be flooded?
It's always in your blood.
Hormone surge could be rekindled,
If you retrieve that candle.
So follow your way,
I will follow mine,
The way ---
leading to the renaissance of shine.


To --

So shining a constellation I scarcely ever gazed upon
Your luster shadows all neighboring creatures in the darkness
Never extinguished is your piercing lightness over my pond
Ever blinking is your perpetual searching for freshness

So voluptuous a vampire I have never been imagining
Your thirsty for passion dampens any powerful flood
Invincible is your virility bursting with the preying
Undescribable is your suavity hidden in the boiling blood

So delicate n' fragrant a flower I hardly ever saw
Your softness can comfort any bitterness which needs to be aided
Behind the rough shell of masculine is your heart thawed
Unfolded from the colorful petals is your vitality never faded

So lucky I have been warmed by your starry watching above
How delightful I have been targeted at by your glaring dart
Accompanied with you to eternity is my everlasting love
Following your life till Armageddon is my unchanged heart

A shadow of past  


A shadow of past,
Sits on the top of a mast;
Every starry night,
He sings to his snow white.
His beauty is now a boat,
Drifting on sea as a lonely mote.
Inanity has flooded her mind,
Which instantly makes her blind.


Gazing at her dewy eyes,
The well of his love never dries.
Delivering a blue rose to her,
He caresses a cold soul with spring fur.
“Let the flower blossom once more.
Isn’t that all we live for?”
Whispering to her elegant ears,
He smells a scent from his dear.


She can’t grasp this evening shadow,
Though he’s ever present in her meadow.
A meadow where they pursued their butterfly,
In every unforgettable memory, under the blue sky.
Tears has now condensed into a causeway,
Which leads her to retrieve the dream lost in the bay.
O let his songs instill her heart with strength,
With that, her breath will soon mix into his breath.