文章來源: 出來混,遲早要胖的2013-04-26 12:30:37
女兒在中文學校上9年紀,可她的寫作能力讓高年紀老師欣賞,且常拿她的作文當範文給11,12年紀的同學學習. 讓周日,12年紀的老師讓女兒再寫篇作文給他們班當範文. 周三我下班回家,看到女兒一天苦相,急忙問長問短她:"怎麽了?" 她說寫不出作文. 這可不像她! 她一般都是文思泉湧,收不住閘. 她哥哥常為湊不夠字發愁; 可她是為要說的話太多, 不知如何刪減發愁. 今天怎麽啦? 再問, 女兒竟哭了起來, 一邊哭, 一邊哽噎著說:"老師讓寫<<我的媽媽>>,我寫了好幾次,都刪了. 因為我覺得無論我用什麽詞匯, 都描繪不出媽媽在我心裏的確切感覺. 我找不到合適的詞來形容我心裏的媽媽!"

我頓時感動的眼淚嘩嘩的, 這是不是就是"大愛無聲"?!

附上女兒在她 facebook 裏發的 post:

Oh, yeah, I don't know why I'm posting this but it just came into mind. I once said to myself, "The only thing I can express myself with is words." Yesterday I was starting to write about my mom for my Chinese essay. And then I realized that no words came to mind. And I started to cry because I felt like words betrayed me. It was horrible, my heart felt like it was shredded to pieces. And so at school today I was kinda down. I was also down because of stress though.