文章來源: sylph2015-06-24 17:41:15




Just the basic SPY Chart:


NOTE:  Charts below are either Blasher's originals .. or stolen from others and upgraded.

This Chart shows the price action of the General Markets (S&P-500 here) relative to the Bond prices (= inverse of interest rate) . . .

as Rates increase (bond prices fall), the General Markets tend to move Down as well.

Here is your chance. The markets reaction tomorrow, day of supposed decision on Greece, could be a decisive move. While it did draw down further than I thought it is still in the pocket of an uptrend.

The swings are still large but contained. Since the last swing was around 24 SPX points I suspect this one could drop to perhaps 2100 at the close tomorrow. Anything greater and I question if we are seeing a different pattern. It still looks unfinished to me despite the Thursday deadline.
