Write a Better Resume. Get a Better Job
文章來源: sylph2014-09-04 20:00:09


Create professional-looking resumes and cover letters will help you get the job you want.

*寫簡曆一定要會“吹”,一定要把1吹成10 半瓶子醋一定要吹滿,在我參與的一些招聘工作中就發現老外的簡曆特別好,特別優秀,等到麵試以後就特別失望。


* You need Create a professional resumes! create sharp-looking resumes!

* Compose persuasive cover letters with Guided Letters;

* Fax and e-mail your resume and cover letter together to prospective employers;

* Submit resumes to career Web sites — let your resume be viewed by hiring managers at leading corporations. Automatically submit your resume to every major career Web site on the World Wide Web, available to thousands of employers;

* Find Jobs Online — search for job openings online using Job Finder and Job Feeder gadget. Find jobs based on your criteria from millions of openings online;

* Contact Manager — stay organized, keep track of your job interviews, target specific companies, and follow through with to-do items. View a calendar to keep organized;

* My Online Resumes — connect with My Online Resumes and publish your resume as a Web page. Include a Web page link to your online resume when corresponding with potential employers.

* Federal Employment — Learn how to write a Federal resume and search for Federal jobs, study all the information you need to apply for Federal Employment, including forms, guides, advice, and resources;

* 寫簡曆是人一身的事,有些老外即使到了很高的位子也天天在豐富他/她的人身簡曆;

* A resume highlights your best qualifications for a job. It opens doors, which in turn leads to interviews. A well-written resume should put you in a good strategic position for an interview. No single thing is “most important” about a resume, but it must be impressive to do its job.

* There’s are Hundreds of sample resumes available in the internet, written by professionally certified resume writers, have also been provided to serve as models for writing first-rate resumes.

·         You must have a clearer picture of all you have accomplished by putting your experiences and achievements on paper.

·         Your resume’s description of your skills and abilities is a confidence booster at the beginning of your job search.

·         A resume is an excellent marketing tool.  It will help sell you.

* 本人幫許多人寫過簡曆。他自己寫的簡曆麵試機會寥寥無幾,修改後麵試機會倍增,可見簡曆是多麽的重要。




