文章來源: 陳晚2012-12-13 20:46:39


二寶最近在學中國曆史,今天她給我出個考題。媽,請把下列英文版的中國古代詩歌譯成中文。我一看,應該是漢武帝寫的悼念李夫人的詩。我對比了原詩,看了半天,也不知道這幾句英文詩到底譯自哪個片斷。哪位中英文大拿,幫我看看吧。thank you!


by: Wu-ti (157-87 B.C.)

HE sound of her silk skirt has stopped.

On the marble pavement dust grows.

Her empty room is cold and still.

Fallen leaves are piled against the doors.

Longing for that lovely lady

How can I bring my aching heart to rest?

'Li Fu-jen' was written by Wu-ti, sixth emperor of the Han dynasty, when his mistress, Li Fu-jen died. Unable to bear his grief, he sent for wizards from all parts of China, hoping that they would be able to put him into communication with her spirit. This English translation by Arthur Waley is reprinted from One Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. Trans. Arthur Waley. London: Constable and Co. Ltd, 1918.
