文章來源: 閣閣2014-09-03 16:41:41

家裏種了幾棵spaghetti squash,收獲的瓜吃不完,就找了葫蘆甜麵包的方子,減了糖量和油量,做出來的成品濕軟微甜,大家都喜歡。做早餐尤其受歡迎。

  玫瑰是家裏花園裏的,一夏天家裏都有各色新鮮玫瑰。很享受。 Three eggs beaten well.

mix the following one after another into the egg mix:

1 cup of white sugar
Half a cup of vegetable oil. May replace with Apple sauce.
Half cup of water. May Replace with applesauce as well.
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
3 cups of all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon.  May skip.

Fold 2 cups shredded summer squash into the about mix. I use the spaghetti squash. It worked very well.

Bake at 325 Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Done! enjoy!

如果願意可以在最上麵撒一層nuts,almond,pecan,sunflower seed。都可以。會更好吃。