To the Mood
文章來源: nuts0002012-06-19 07:10:08

A swirl of morning breeze
refreshes the mood of June
still cool, but feels more humid
as day floats into the air
Are my lines heading into free style
in the subtle pool of district future
or is my soul going back to frog style
in the ancient pond of Tang Dynasty
My CPU says nothing
until I started to generate some brain power
from a creek of proses from Song Dynasty
but it did not get overheated by the mood of Song
The rhymes started to click with Tang's rhymes
for their conciseness and musical beats
Some of brains cells must have started to dance
my fingers try to keep up with their steps
The web is dry as cool roads
waiting for you to travel on
The web is wet by morning dews
moved by your delicate touch
My mood is just right
hope yours is just as bright