God Had a Plan 上帝的安排
文章來源: MichaelC2009-07-17 16:34:24

by Michael C

From the very beginning, God knew carbon dioxide concentration in Earth’s atmosphere was too high for the creatures he wanted to create. A relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide caused the Earth to be too hot for living things. He must find a way to lower and control it.

He first planted trees and vegetations everywhere on Earth – on land and in the water. The plants used solar energy to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and fibers to fix the carbon. In turn, such fixed carbon materials became food sources to insects, animals, and other living things. This process worked for removing certain amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but the amount removed was not enough and the solution was not permanent. When the plants and animals died, their bodies decayed and the fixed carbon was converted back to carbon dioxide. To further lower carbon dioxide concentration, God knew he needed a plan to permanently store the fixed carbon.

He made earth movements to bury a large amount of plants and small animals. He repeated the process. After millions of years, the plants, shells, and small animals were converted to coal and oil. They are stored under ground as a permanent way to keep the carbon out of the air.

God’s plan worked beautifully for millions of years. The carbon dioxide level in the air was brought under control, and balanced off with the vegetation. He was able to create sophisticated animals and eventually human on Earth. For tens, hundreds of thousands of years, his creatures had been living in balance with the rest of the Earth - until the last one hundred years.

In the last one hundred years, humans “discovered” coal, oil, and gas deposits. They found that they can burn them to receive energy. They created machines to burn them to generate lights and electricity, and to provide transportation, which caused industrial revolution and subsequently a population explosion that made even more demand for the coal and oil. Humans dug and explored for more deposits everywhere on Earth. They even took out deposits buried deep under sea. They turned the earth upside down, and will eventually convert all the carbon deposits back into carbon dioxide in the air.

While the Mighty God is amazed by the creativities of his most intelligent creature, he is curious to see how really smart humans are in getting carbon dioxide level back under control. He knows that what worked last time is no longer an option.

By the way, if you don’t like the word “God” in this article, you may substitute it with “Mother Nature.”