#2 Musical Wizards~Strokses - Chpt 3
文章來源: Yulin2009-06-10 16:20:56

Chapter 3

     I lay on my bed and looked at Strokses happily chewing an old slipper. My parents had gone to work and I was really tired. I was really glad that we had won the competition, or I had to wait until next week to get a dog, and by then someone probably would’ve taken Strokses already. I still wish that person never bought the golden retriever I was waiting for, but I was glad that the Shih Tzu was still in the pet shop.

     Finally, I sat up and went to my desk. Being a special agent, I had a lot of work to do. I took out my laptop from my green backpack (my favourite colour) and turned it on. I typed in the website name of the special agent’s workshop’s website, www.specialagenttrivia.sa. I typed in my username and password and began to read off information and record notes in my notebook and on a document on Microsoft Word.

Username:    Monee-mii-sa  

Password:    ************   

     When I was clicking away at my laptop, my phone rang. I picked it up and said what all special agents were supposed to say when they first answer a phone. “Hello? Monica Kites, special agent speaking…” “Hello? Monee, it’s Ally here,” the voice said. “Oh, hey Al, what’s up?” “Well, it’s hard to explain, I’m in a rush. Let me come over and I’ll tell you, alright?” “Sure,” I said. I put the phone down and continued working.

     Soon, I heard the door bell ring. I picked up the speaker phone. “Hello?” “Hello Monica, it’s Ally. Open the door.” “Sure.” I hung up and pressed the button on the phone. Then a beep rang out and Ally came in with her green leather bag.

     Ally came upstairs. “Working again? Busy, eh?” I laughed. “Sure, are you finished organizing the data?” “Nah, not yet. But I did find a website that gives a simpler way to organize all that. What was it, 398 essays, right?” “400,” I corrected. “2 people handed it in yesterday. Check your e-mail box. I think Boss Lola e-mailed it to everyone working on it. “Oh, I didn’t check my e-mail box since last Saturday,” Ally smiled. She grabbed a seat beside me and took out her laptop. She turned it on and opened her e-mail box. An e-mail was flashing. “You’re right,” said Ally as she clicked on the e-mail and laughed. She read it:

Dear Ally Special Agent,

      We have sent you 398 essays onto your laptop during the last meeting. There were 2 people away. These 2 people have given me their essays. I am giving the data bar to you. You may change anything that needs to be changed on your organizing if you have started organizing it. Here is the website to the data bar:


When you click the link and open the website, there are the 2 essays underneath the data bar. If you need the real copy to help you, you may.

Good luck and thanx for your help,

Boss Lola

Ally clicked on the link and a Mozilla Firefox window opened. The website opened and there was the data bar.

 |                                   |                                     |             |

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I know it looks confusing, but being a special agent, we have really weird codes and languages. Ally carefully examined it, and then highlighted the whole data bar. She right-clicked it and copied. Then she opened her data organizing document and pasted it on. Ally then pasted another one below it, and did something to the second data bar to compare the difference between them. “Wow! That’s a smart idea!” I said. Ally beamed. “Oh, and by the way, I found a website to make the organizing simpler, as I said.” She showed me how to use the method she found on www.needhelp.com. I immediately tried the new method---it worked perfectly!

     “Okay. So what I was about to tell you is that tonight there is an emergency meeting at 6:00pm at Special Agent Trivia Workshop with Boss Lola and the other people. Boss Lola called but didn’t tell me why we had to go. I told her that I would tell you so she didn’t have to call you. I’m getting really, really curious right now.” “Wow! We haven’t had an emergency meeting since last year! It must be really important!”

After 20 minutes, we went onto www.twyf.sa. TWYF stands for “talk with your friends”. I typed in my username and password and was logged on. Ally and I talked to Ellie for a while. Ellie was coming home in 3 weeks! I was getting more and more excited as the days went by.    When it’s our night time, it’s day time at China. So soon she had to go to school. It was getting really late over here. So I went to change into my orange and white striped t-shirt, exactly like my green and white striped one. I wore it since my favourite one, the green one, was in the laundry. Then I wore yellow shorts and did up my hair in a bun.

“I wish my green one wasn’t in the laundry,” I said. “You’re lucky you can wear your green one today.” Ally laughed. “My orange one is in the laundry. It just went in today!” Finally we arrived at the Special Agent Trivia Workshop. Ally and I went to the counter and signed-in by checking our names underneath the day of the week. We went upstairs to the fifth floor and into our office. Ally’s office was right beside mine. We had 15 minutes left until the meeting. So I decided to go on www.twyf.sa and have a chat with my I-think-maybe-10th best friend. Her name is Jenna and her account username is . I think you can already guess that her favourite colour is blue. There was only 5 minutes left.