文章來源: 海洋寶貝2019-11-29 05:11:37

每年的感恩節一過,聖誕的裝飾和購物就拉開了序幕。我自從進入“斷舍離”之後,總希望讓自己的購物更理性,送出的禮物更有意義。今天跟大家分享一個簡單的Advent Calendar 製作,算是聖誕禮物DIY 的拋磚引玉。

Advent calendar   倒計時日曆:12月1-12月24

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An Advent calendar with a nativity scene behind the 24th door, surrounded by other AdventChristmas and Christian symbols

An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas.[1] Since the date of the First Sunday of Advent varies, falling between November 27 and December 3 inclusive, many Advent calendars, especially those that are reusable, often begin on December 1, although those that are produced for a specific year often include the last few days of November that are part of the liturgical season.[2][3] The Advent calendar was first used by German Lutherans in the 19th and 20th



市麵上最常見的巧克力日曆,這是Lindt 和Godiva 今年的新款。不少家庭有購買Advant Calendar 的習慣,進入12月份,孩子們每天都充滿期待。

這是我們家姐姐、妹妹去年自己製作、相互贈送的Advant Calendar。雖然裏麵的小禮物都不起眼,但孩子們每天都盼著回家打開一份驚喜。



