文章來源: 橄欖樹12010-05-03 12:56:18
這裏每年的五月有一周定為感師周(Teachers' Appreciation Week)。 下麵是兩班媽要全班學生每天帶的東西, 還說可以到一元店去買。覺得這兩班媽沒有新意。想想要是別人每天送我自己20來個無用小東西,我沒地方放,又沒啥用,最後隻有進垃圾箱 :-(.

Monday - Cookin' and Cleanin', lets bring her fun stuff for her kitchen
Tuesday- Spa and Relaxation - candles, lotions, etc.
Wednesday - Fun in the Sun
Thursday - School Supplies - we can help replenish the little things that kids have use through the school year.
Friday - Tell Her That You Love Her! - Homemade cards from the kids and thank you gift cards from the class (please give money to xxx)!

We are sending dinner home with her everyday!
這個晚飯不錯, 我報名了 :-)。

Monday - Let's get the week off with "A Coke & A Smile" by bringing her favorite drink - Diet Coke!
Tuesday - Time to "saddle on up" to a good ole' Texas treat. Her favorite candy is Peanut M&M, Hot tamales, Red Licorice.
Wednesday - Disco is the time for "flower power" so let's all show our love and bring Mrs. XXX a flower of any kind or color!
Thursday - The 80's was known for big hair & parachute pants so let's all bring in some "big" supplies for Mrs. XXX to replenish in the classroom.
Friday - Big Finale! A Day Of Pampering. Your child can bring her something to pamper herself with (candles, lotion, body soaps, manicure gift certificates, etc.).

We will also be providing a lunch, a photo album, spa message.

前幾年有個班媽要孩子每人做一頁圖文並茂的 Scrapbook 再加其他,我覺得注意挺好。還有個班媽買了個白陶花盆,讓每個孩子將手印摁上又加描繪,再去燒結後種了花送給老師,很漂亮有紀念意義。還有個老師事先講明不要其他,就要gift card, 挺實惠.我要做老師,請給這個哈 :-)。