【優美鋼琴】Kelly Steward《Reel Piano》[320K/MP3]
文章來源: Carnival_072010-01-04 00:38:33

【專輯名稱】:Reel Piano
【專輯藝人】:Kelly Stewart
【發行公司】:Avalon Music
【音樂類型】:Pop, 鋼琴

凱利史都華這位全球知名的鋼琴家,音樂足跡除了他的發跡之地加拿大外,更遍及歐、美和加勒比海等也,從小史都華就對音樂抱著一股狂熱與執著,曾在多倫多皇家學院等地就讀深造,也曾師事多位著名的鋼琴大師如Darwyn Aitken和Myrtle Gerraro等,更拓廣其學習至爵士樂等多樣領域,再加上擔網影片、廣告配樂的豐富經驗,其音樂不僅展現過人的湛技術,同時也兼具流行通俗,擺脫艱澀難懂,讓聆賞者更容易與他的音樂親近。


01 Can You Feel the Love Tonight? {From The Lion King} (04:08)
02 Rose {From the Rose} (04:39)
03 When I Fall in Love {From Sleepless in Seattle} (04:33)
04 Do You Know Where You're Going To? {Theme from Mahogany} (04:14)
05 Evergreen {From a Star Is Born} (03:32)
06 Theme from on Golden Pond (03:39)
07 Solace {From the Sting} (03:14)
08 Beauty and the Beast {From Beauty and the Beast} (03:13)
09 Up Where We Belong {From an Officer and a Gentleman} (04:19)
10 Theme from Forrest Gump (02:35)
11 Over the Rainbow {From the Wizard of Oz} (02:56)
12 Wind Beneath My Wings {From Beaches} (04:02)
13 (Everything I Do) I Do It for You {From Robin Hood} (04:30)
14 Unchained Melody {From Ghost} (03:48)

