Georgia Southern 18th Circuit
文章來源: EricDong2009-05-28 21:22:51

最近收到 Georgia Southern 18th Circuit 寄來的獎牌,成績還不錯:

“Lights and Lines” 贏得了 Woodstock Southern 自然組的金牌 ( 最佳片 Best of Show )

“Girl With Her Cow” 贏得了 Rome Southern 人物組的 GASO Medals of Excellence: 

“Dancing High #1” 贏得了 Peachtree Southern 野生動物組的 GASO Medals of Excellence

“Raining Day in Lancaster” 贏得了 Rome Southern 旅遊組的 GASO Medals of Excellence

另外贏得了 17 個優異獎 (HM) ,一共 75 個入選。好像是曆次成績最好的一次。

2009 GASO Medal Winners 鏈接

2009 GASO Final Results 鏈接

可是 6 月 1 日截止的 2009 North Georgia Print Circuit 卻到現在還拖拖拉拉的沒有準備好。
